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Showing posts from February, 2022

Sometimes, It's Okay just to Say I-Don't-Know.....

I used to think that in matters of faith - where "ultimate truths" were concerned - that not-knowing was somehow wrong...Simple admissions of I don't know,   I'm not really sure or I don't have a good answer for that  had the distasteful whiff of agnosticism, resignation, defeatism. It seemed wrong, somehow, to be left in the lurch, with only ignorance as your crutch. We don't know and we can't know. We won't ever know. How dreary is that! Faith offered a set of assurances and clarifications which to a young, impressionable believer left little room for doubting.  If some matter of faith appeared fuzzy or confusing or unexplained - it was mysterious and complicated for good reason, not worth dwelling upon in the short term, certainly not meant to be a stumbling block.  There is a strange passage in the gospel of Matthew - chapter 27, verses 52-53 - to be exact - which talks about the bodies of dead saints coming out of their tombs after Christ's