One has to wonder whether collective guilt, self-loathing and unrelenting stridency will get us where we need to go as a nation...
We begin with the premise that people love each other - and get along just fine...And why is that again?
Another tension-filled, random contentious encounter in today's America...But this cannot be happening right? We "outlawed" all tension-filled random contentious encounters last month!
If we began with the assumption that people are naturally wary, suspicious and untrusting of one another - we would not be so constantly "shocked" by what we see every day...namely, people suffering through the mutual "stress" of encountering a stranger in the public square...
Throw competition into the mix...What? People competing with one another - striving to gain partial advantage over their neighbors - enjoying the brief, fleeting illusion of "superiority" (in one regard only) and mulling over a thousand insecurities caused by their "inferior" status in a thousand other respects...I don't like what you're telling us here...That people can feel superior and inferior to others at the same time??? Yes - in fact, the facts are less demoralizing when you notice how complicated things are...
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