When the mood comes upon you, it takes you there to that place and you see whatever you see through that lens... Think of the scene that emerges sleepily or sanguinely, with irritation, laughter, sadness, surprise or from anger...always some agenda lurking in the background...People, places, things, creatures either doing what we need them to do or not - getting in our way, making us react.. I often imagine a way of simply "being there" without any particular mood attached- sitting there, part of the scene, watching paint dry, watching the corn grow as it were, people-watching, not even staring, taking in all the commotion, the daily activity without hint of passing judgment...a neutral observer ....Would I lose all interest at that moment...or would another form of curiosity kick in?
Prologue - > We are fortunate to live in a time, or so it is said, when we of the future no longer feel the burden of gender to such a degree as in previous ages; nowadays there is no pre-established norm or "role" for us to perform or hold onto like a chain about the neck. There was a time, of course, and not so long ago, when men were de facto expected to be tough strong, resilient, athletic, assertive... and which to judge by the role models in movies and popular culture which we could add on silent, stoical, protective, while no great shock was registered if there should be a woman or more than one who in some degree was known (also through popular culture, movies, novels, songs, etc. in comparison with her male counterparts) as: soft, demure, flirtatious, sociable, wise, and to which one might add on: practical, prescient, intuitive, gregarious, solicitous, nurturing and perhaps multi-tasking, socially-aware, loyal, resilient . With regard t...
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